Couple got a luxurious house worth 20 crores by spending 2500, luck changed like this as soon as the lottery started

Couple got a luxurious house worth 20 crores by spending 2500, luck changed like this as soon as the lottery started

People don’t do anything to try their luck. Don’t know how many schemes they invest in to double their money. Many people buy lotteries. Behind whom there is a dream that he will become rich as soon as the lottery starts. But luck is not always kind to everyone. Some people’s luck shines quickly. So some people take years to change their life. But when happiness comes after a long wait, it becomes a bit difficult to believe. The same happened with a couple when suddenly they won a bungalow worth crores in the lottery.

A British couple bought a lottery ticket for ₹ 2500 and got lucky enough to win a house worth 20 crores. When the information about winning the lottery was received on the phone, the couple could not believe it at first. Because before this he had bought lottery tickets about nine times. And became a millionaire in the 10th time. 55-year-old Mark and his wife Deborah are overjoyed after winning such a huge lottery.

Bought ticket for 2500 and won lottery worth 20 crores
Don’t know how many times Mark of Britain had bought lottery tickets. But every time his luck remained silent. But in the tenth time, his luck changed in such a way that he won a luxurious bungalow worth 20 crores in the ‘Omez Million Pound House’ lottery. He was surprised that the bungalow he got in the lottery is not in Britain but in Spain. That is, a lottery house has been found on foreign soil. Which is in Marbella, Spain. Marbella is one of the most glamorous cities. Under this lottery, any winner has got a house outside Britain for the first time. Not only this, he also got 2.50 crore cash as a reward along with a bungalow worth 20 crores.

Couple living in UK got 20 crore luxurious house in Spain, along with 2.50 crore cash

Couple winning a bungalow worth 20 crores in the lottery

Couple happy after winning a bungalow worth 20 crores in the lottery
Mark, 55, who won the bungalow in the lottery, has been a legal advisor for 25 years. While his wife is a wellness coach. Mark says that when he received a phone call from Omez about winning the grand prize in the lottery, he could not believe it. Because before this he had tried his luck nine times on the lottery. And in the tenth time luck did a miracle by tearing the roof. The bungalow that Mark has won in the lottery is about 12,000 square feet. The house equipped with state-of-the-art facilities is very beautiful from inside and outside. According to Mark, he will keep this house with him for a few years, so that he can enjoy family holidays here.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Good news, Lottery Results, OMG News

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